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Earth-Day: So schön ist unsere Erde

• 22. April 2017
5 Min. Lesezeit
von Martin Foszczynski

Wir bei Bergwelten lieben es, in der Natur unterwegs zu sein. Wir lieben aber auch die Outdoor-Fotografie. Besonders, wenn die Besten ihres Fachs am Werk sind und uns mit ihren Bildern ins Staunen versetzen, aufrütteln, verstören oder einfach nur die Schönheit unseres Planeten vor Augen führen.

Anlässlich des „Earth Day“, der jährlich am 22. April Menschen auf der ganzen Welt dazu anregt, ihr Konsumverhalten zu überdenken, unternehmen wir eine Instagram-Foto-Reise rund um den Globus: Außergewöhnliche Berg-Fotos aus allen 7 Kontinenten, die uns vor Augen führen, warum unser Planet schützenswert ist.


Isle of Skye, Schottland

Foto: visualhunt.com
Isle of Skye in Schottland

British Columbia, Kanada

hoodoos #britishcolumbia

See this Instagram photo by @michaelchristopherbrown * 6,638 likes

Beliebt auf Bergwelten

Auch beliebt

Kasikasima-Gebirge in Suriname, Südamerika

photo by @randyolson | @thephotosociety With flat jungle all around it, Kasikasima is a surprising change to the landscape. This was supposed to be the area for our second RAP camp, but that was before camp one was flooded out and we realized rapids around Kasiasima would force the expedition to hike 8 heavy boats thru the jungle for 2.8 KM. @natgeo @Conservationorg #Suriname #SouthAmerica #RAP #rainforest #forest #Jungle #Clouds #PalumeuRiver #documentary #everydaysouthamerica #everydayeverywhere #nowaternolife #Guyanashield

See this Instagram photo by @randyolson * 4,664 likes

Glacier-Nationalpark in den Rocky Mountains, USA

I've spent the last 6 days in #glaciernationalpark photographing as much of it as I can, however I can. Chasing light, hiking hard, scrambling up choss ridges, traversing glaciers, getting soaked in rivers and sleeping as little as possible. It's all been more then worth it to experience as much of this incredible place as I can in the little time I have here. Today was a highlight, sunrise aerials over the expansive park. There's no other way to experience how dramatic the glacially carved terrain is here then from high above it. The hazy scene here is smoke from neighboring fires, locally and as far away as Washington. The rising sun cutting through created beams of light and incredible depth. Still doing the edit, I expect I will be for a while. @jacobwfrank @glaciernps and I were kids in a candy store, filling cards and draining batteries as quickly as we could. Shot on assignment for @natgeo

See this Instagram photo by @ladzinski * 35.2k likes


Meru in Tansania, Ostafrika

Just checked out the @MeruFilm trailer and it looks amazing! Huge congrats to friends @jimmy_chin @renan_ozturk @conrad_anker for climbing what was said to be impossible and great work on the film! Meru won The 2015 Sundance Film Festival Audience Award and is coming to theaters nation wide starting August 14th. Check out the trailer here: http://bit.ly/MERUFilm #MeruFilm Photo @jimmy_chin

See this Instagram photo by @ladzinski * 14.5k likes

Antelope Canyon in Arizona, USA

#AntelopeCanyon in Arizona is one of the most iconic and photographed slot canyons, and for all the obvious reasons. The access is easy and the symmetry and beauty is unreal. @natgeocreative

See this Instagram photo by @ladzinski * 21.7k likes

Joshua Tree Nationalpark in Kalifornien, USA

See this Instagram photo by @ladzinski * 14.3k likes

See this Instagram photo by @benhortonphoto * 554 likes

Arches-Nationalpark am Colorado River in Utah, USA

Arches National Park with pro surfer @kellypottssurfer showing the desert to a water girl! - @olukai #anywherealoha #adventure #accessspring

See this Instagram photo by @benhortonphoto * 603 likes

Yosemite-Nationalpark in Kalifornien, USA

Got to travel back up to Yosemite with one of my best friends and visited some awesome spots along the way. @vesselandsoullove climbs sequoia the weird way...

See this Instagram photo by @benhortonphoto * 711 likes

Ankogelgruppe in den Ostalpen in Kärnten, Österreich

Einer der wenigen Tage mit perfektem Hochnebel, der den ganzen Tag hartnäckig im Tal hing. #Hochtour auf die #Hochalmspitze, 3.360 m, Ankogelgruppe, Kärnten. Fotograf: @samstraussfoto #bergpic #bergwelten #alps #hohetauern #mountain #fog

See this Instagram photo by @bergwelten * 462 likes

Brenta in den Dolomiten, Südtirol

@annalinn and I just came back from a week in what must be one of the un-ugliest places ever, the Brenta range in the Italian Dolomites. My camera and phone are jammed full of completely unpublishably beautiful vistas.

See this Instagram photo by @jonasbendiksen * 1,943 likes

Grand-Canyon-Nationalpark in Arizona, USA

Feeling fortunate to see just a sliver of this 1.2 million acre #nationalpark that 99% of its five million visitors don't. Having just completed a 20-day leg stretch walking inside #grandcanyon, @kevinfedarkoauther and I are heading back for more - 10 more days of foot powered travel to understand the issues of this treasure. The canyon wren @amymartin21 - soaks up sunrise. Shot on assignment for @natgeo by @pedromcbride. #gratitude #chasingrivers #sunrise #love #wilderness #sectionalthruhike #huppybars @harlantaney @richrudow

See this Instagram photo by @pedromcbride * 11.1k likes

Looking back on the journey of a lifetime (so far) -- hiking and bleeding some 650 miles by foot through the length of #grandcanyon -- I'm trying to digest our relationship with wild places, parks, people, land and water. Like this epic walk, it will take a longtime. Shot on assignment for @natgeo by @pedromcbride #chasingrivers #nationalparks #natgeoearthday #humility #love #coloradoRiver #petemcbride @kevinfedarkoauthor

See this Instagram photo by @pedromcbride * 11.8k likes

Zion National Park in Utah

Photo by Corey Arnold @arni_coraldo The view from Angels Landing in Zion National Park, Utah. My first night in Zion, I scrambled up to this classic viewpoint as the sun set and spent a good part of the night gazing at the stars. Night hiking in Zion is a great way to avoid the spring crowds and absorb the power of these magical views without distraction. More from my ongoing National Parks road trip at @arni_coraldo ! #zion #zionnationalpark #fypyes #findyourpark #nature #instagram #landscape #nightscape #roadtrip #adventure #natgeo @natgeo @zionnps #photooftheday #picoftheday #grateful #utah #angelslanding

See this Instagram photo by @natgeo * 523.2k likes

Mount Merapi auf der Insel Java, Indonesien

Photograph by @JohnStanmeyer Ring of Fire ~ Mount Merapi (foreground) takes but also gives, giving so much that thousands of people live directly upon its slopes, embracing the rich ash this mystical volcano offers into the soil. The island of Java sits upon the Ring of Fire, a line of active volcanoes that stretches across the entire archipelago. This image was from my @natgeo story, #VolcanoGods, a deep anthropologic project I did related to spiritual connections of volcanoes and their mystical importance throughout Indonesian society. @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #Indonesia #MountMerapi #GungungMerapi #Merapi #volcano #gunung #ringoffire #landscape #aerial #villages #Java #mysticism #mysticvolcano

See this Instagram photo by @natgeo * 473.7k likes

Acadia-Nationalpark an der Küste von Maine in Neuengland, USA

Happy Earth Day! Morning ground fog over Acadia National Park, Maine @natgeocreative @thephotosocioty #nationalparks #lighthawk #acadia #maine #aerialphotography

See this Instagram photo by @michaelmelford * 2,132 likes

Grand-Teton-Nationalpark in Wyoming, USA

25,000-10,000 years ago, glaciers carved through these mountains sculpting steep canyons and leaving behind terminal moraines like this one at Phelps Lake in Grand Teton National Park. These piles of glacial debris have helped to form a series of lakes at the base of the Tetons supporting rich wildlife habitat and endless recreation opportunities. Learn more about this ecosystem in the May 2016 issue of National Geographic Magazine. photo by @drewtrush @grandtetonnps

See this Instagram photo by @natgeo * 512.1k likes

Hkakabo Razi in Kachin-Staat, Myanmar/Tibet

@renan_ozturk climbs to 18,100 ft on the unclimbed west ridge of Hkakabo Razi during an @natgeo expedition going sea to summit to measure SE Asia's highest point. @natgeocreative @thephotosociety #MyanmarClimb #antieverest

See this Instagram photo by @coryrichards * 16.4k likes

Franz-Josef-Land im Arktischen Ozean, russisches Staatsgebiet

Nature imitating nature? Melting arctic sea ice disappears in little pieces. It might just be one canary, but we are all in the same coal mine. Shot on assignment for @natgeo in Franz Josef Land #russia. @thephotosociety #climatechange #neverstopexploring @thenorthface @clifbarcompany @andy_mann

See this Instagram photo by @coryrichards * 7,728 likes

Denali-Nationalpark in Alaska

See this Instagram photo by @thephotosociety * 27.8k likes

Mont-Blanc-Massiv in den Westalpen, Frankreich/Italien/Schweiz

See this Instagram photo by @thenorthface * 43.9k likes

Quito River in Angola, Afrika

See this Instagram photo by @coryrichards * 13.7k likes

Karsthöhle in Yucatan, Mexiko

See this Instagram photo by @natgeo * 547.6k likes

Siedlung in den Bergen des Jemen, Arabische Halbinsel

See this Instagram photo by @stevemccurryofficial * 27.1k likes

Bryce-Canyon-Nationalpark in Utah, USA

See this Instagram photo by @arni_coraldo * 3,868 likes

Gebirge in Afghanistan

See this Instagram photo by @stevemccurryofficial * 33.6k likes

Sahelzone in Mali, Westafrika

See this Instagram photo by @stevemccurryofficial * 34.9k likes

Routeburn Track im Fiordland-Nationalpark, Neuseeland

See this Instagram photo by @goldiehawn_ * 12.2k likes


See this Instagram photo by @untitledshot * 390 likes

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah, USA

See this Instagram photo by @coryrichards * 16.1k likes

Trolltunga-Felsspitze am Sørfjord in Norwegen, Skandinavien

See this Instagram photo by @bergwelten * 356 likes

Vesterålen-Inselgruppe vor der Küste Norwegens, Skandinavien

See this Instagram photo by @jonasbendiksen * 3,188 likes

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